More than two decades ago I was told that my soul’s purpose was to live in two worlds simultaneously and to be a bridge. This indeed is what I have been drawn to do. I am a life-long science and nature lover. Pathologists are the scientists of physicians. We study disease processes and mechanisms, under the microscope, in the laboratory and within research. My curiosity was not satisfied there, so for the last twenty-six years I have been passionately studying alternative medical fields as well, not really sure where it would lead, but compelled to do so.
I have always been curious, but the flames were fanned by my diagnosis of M.S. (multiple sclerosis) more than 30 years ago. This was terrifying for many years, but I have come to regard it as one of the best things that ever happened to me. I learned first hand that fear is the worst “pathogen” and that everything happens for a reason. I have learned so much in my own journey and it is my intention to help other people get there faster and easier.
My quest is to learn more about each of what we call “diseases”, looking at them from completely different dimensions. I intend to contribute to an understanding of health and disease that is soul supporting, augmenting our present understanding. I am so appreciative of each of my patients who have shared their time and challenges with me; they have taught me so much. I am delighted with my ever-evolving “tool set”, my growing body of knowledge and greater clarity on how to get there faster and easier.
I have come to cherish the notion that this is a benevolent Universe. We each come seeking expansion. What comes to us is exactly what we need to expand. Everything. This is the same sentiment as, “contrast serves us.” It seems that what we call our symptoms and diseases are simply an amplification of resistance to being who we really are.
Puzzling all of this out can be quite a process, but is a really good journey. A journey where we get happier, healthier, and enjoy the wonderful expansion that our souls are so hungry for. Learning to love ourselves, to love what is, and to love all that is. Ultimately we become appreciative of the very thing that challenged us, because of the essential role that it played in who we have become.
I am delighted to support this journey with so many forms of relief, giving hope. Structural corrections, acupuncture, biomagnetism, botanical and symptomatic homeopathic solutions can help tremendously. Many patients start out thinking that this is the most important part. With time some have come to understand that this relief was a temporary support. The most important work is transformational, in the form of transformational homeopathy, microBioenergetics, and structural work supported by biomagnetism in trance. Ultimately, of course, it is up to the patient, for all I can do is support. The credit for their success is theirs. I am delighted as my patients, “take the ball and run with it.”
I do believe that our planet and humanity is in the midst of a wonderful transformation, experiencing a tremendous increase of energy. I am delighted to be here now to share in it. We are experiencing people getting sick faster, but there is also the growing ability of people to get well faster. You may have noticed some turmoil, like unusual weather patterns, diseases, all sorts of upheavals and political unrest. So much good is coming from it all. We are expanding as a society, and moving to a more evolved way of living with each other. I believe that understanding disease from a soul level, with treatments that are actually supportive of health are a part of that. This is what excites me.